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Settembre 5, 2024
ATIU: A Revolutionary Force in Packaging Design – Shortlisted for Pentawards 2024 Supplier of the Year

The Pentawards, since its inception in 2007, has been the pinnacle of global packaging design recognition. With over 30,000 entries from more than 95 countries, it is the ultimate accolade in the industry. Judged by a stellar panel of over 50 experts from leading brands and agencies, including Estée Lauder, Microsoft, Pentagram, and PUMA, the competition celebrates the very best in creative packaging solutions.

Un Approccio Visionario

ATIU’s journey is marked by an unwavering commitment to innovation. Founded in its current form in 2020 by a dynamic new CEO, ATIU emerged from the former Xolid, reimagining its mission with a fresh perspective. This young and revolutionary team places the client at the heart of its operations, with sustainability as its foundational principle.

Every product that comes out of ATIU’s creative labs is a testament to their cutting-edge approach. They don’t just create packaging; they craft experiences. Their designs are not only visually stunning but also environmentally conscious, reflecting a deep-seated commitment to a sustainable future. This philosophy has set them apart in a crowded marketplace, earning them accolades and recognition on the global stage.

Il Percorso verso i Pentawards

Essere selezionati tra i finalisti dei Pentawards 2024 come Fornitore dell'Anno è un traguardo significativo per ATIU. Questo onore è un riconoscimento della loro incessante ricerca dell'eccellenza e del loro spirito innovativo. I vincitori saranno annunciati il 25 ottobre 2024, durante la cerimonia di gala a Londra, una serata che si preannuncia altrettanto glamour e prestigiosa quanto i premi stessi.


ATIU è più di una semplice azienda; è un movimento. Un movimento verso soluzioni di packaging innovative, sostenibili e orientate al cliente. Il loro posto nella shortlist dei Pentawards è una celebrazione della loro visione e del loro percorso. Mentre il mondo guarda, ATIU continua a ispirare e guidare, stabilendo nuovi standard in un settore tanto competitivo quanto creativo.

Stay tuned for October 25, 2024, when the world will see if ATIU clinches the title of Supplier of the Year at the Pentawards Gala Ceremony in London. Regardless of the outcome, ATIU’s revolutionary impact on packaging design is undeniable.


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